Friday, 16 March 2012

Visit Wales : Share Wales

Avid followers of this blog will have noticed that things have been quiet since the end of January. The reason is that interesting developments have been in play. At the end of February I was appointed to the post of Editor, Visit Wales:Share Wales, part of the Welsh Government Digital Tourism Business Programme, which went live in late February. This is a new initiative to encourage information sharing and co-operation between tourism businesses in Wales. Part of my role is to focus on various aspects of the digital environment and to 'horizon scan' for upcoming developments. This pretty much supersedes what I had in mind when setting up this blog and provides the resources to develop much more content. Once fully embarked on my new post I will give some thought to a new direction for the blog. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to sign up to Share Wales, reap the benefits of the information stream and participate in the co-operative initiatives and the Forum. Go to